domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

Programa 'Ciencia para todos' / Science for everyone

Desde La Biotheque presentamos el programa de charlas y talleres que hemos organizado dentro del marco de la Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid. Nuestra principal función consiste en la divulgación científica esencialmente a través de internet. Sin embargo, este evento nos permite potenciar este espíritu divulgativo, acercándonos al público desde un abanico variado de temas de la mano de investigadores y profesionales de campos relacionados con el trabajo y la producción científica, que han colaborado con nosotros de manera desinteresada. Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a todos ellos y esperamos que este trabajo sea del agrado y provecho del mayor número de personas posibles. 

We at La Biotheque are pleased to introduce this programme of presentations and workshops that we have prepared for the Madrid Science Week. The main goal of La Biotheque is to contribute to the broadest possible dissemination of popular science that could be of particular use or interest to the general population, and the present programme is an integral part of achieving this goal. The presentations and workshops listed in this programme are all presented by researchers and other specialists coming from a diverse spectrum of scientific disciplines. Everybody collaborating with us are doing so pro bono, and for that we want to express our sincere appreciation and grattitude. It is our hope that as many people as possible will be attending and benefitting from what is being offered here. 

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